Annuaire Artistes

Troupe de Danse de Moldavie "Free dance" - Ballet - Revue Cabaret - Défilé

Chisinau, France

hi. mi name is Matei Anatolie. im director of show balet \"Free dance\" from Moldova. we are the one of the best show balet from Moldova and Romania. we looking for new contact to work together. www.*******.***

Show-ballet ‘’Free Dance’’ since 1995 pleases the Moldavian and foreign public with its performances. The show of Moldavian stuff has been observed in Moscow, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Austria, Italy, Romania, Korea, China and certainly on open spaces of the native places.

Numerous performances on TV of Moldova and Romania, at the Moldavian Eurovision, participations in various festivals and manifestations in the most different corners of the Earth have brought popularity and public’s liking to the stuff.


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Quelques infos
en un coup d'oeil...

  • CHISINAU, France

  • Le prestataire se déplace dans un rayon de 250 kilomètres autour de CHISINAU.

  • Possibilité d'effectuer des prestations en ligne (Skype, WhatsApp...)