Scuba Diving - Bunaken Island - Tourist Destination - Marine Park, Beach - Manado

À propos

Bunaken is an island of 8 km², part of the Bunaken National Marine Park.  Bunaken is located at the northern tip of the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. It belongs administratively to the municipality of Manado. Scuba Diving attracts many visitors to the island.
Bunaken National Park extends over an area of 890.65 km² of which only 3% is terrestrial, including Bunaken Island, as well as the islands of Manado Tua, Mantehage, Nain and www.*******.*** waters of Bunaken National Marine Park are up to 1,566 m deep in Manado Bay with temperatures ranging between 27 to 29 °C. It has a high diversity of - corals, fish, echinoderms or sponges. Notably, 7 of the 8 species of giant clams that occur in the world, occur in Bunaken. It also claims to have seven times more genera of coral than  Hawaii and has more than 70% of all the known fish species of the Indo-Western Pasific. Oceanic currents may explain, in part, why Bunaken National Marine Park has such a high level of biodiversity. Northeasternly currents generally sweep through the park but abundant counter currents and gyros related to lunar cycles are believed to be a trap for free swimming larvae. This is particularly true on the south side of the crescent-shaped Bunaken Island, lying in the heart of the park. A snorkeler or diver in the vicinity of Lekuan or Fukui may spot over 33 species of butterfly fish and numerous types of groupers, damsels, wrasses and gobies. The gobies, smallish fish with bulging eyes and modified fins that allow them to attach to hard surfaces, are the most diverse but least known group of fish in the park. Come and visit the most beautiful island for your complete journey in Indonesia, Bunaken Island with a thousand of adorable sightseeing. Tourism on Bunaken has been very much geared towards serious divers over the years but the trend seems to be changing. More and more casual snorkelers are visiting the area as are those who wish to just relax immersed in nature. Possible activities for landlubbers include:

  • Beach-combing, especially at low tide when the reef top is accessible.
  • Hiking to some of the secluded coves on the eastern and northern part of the island. Trails are poorly marked.
  • Fishing, but only outside of the park boundaries. Hire a boat or join one of the local fishermen.
  • Dolphin and Whale watching, either on dive boat trips or by hiring a boat privately.

Rayon d'action

Le prestataire se déplace dans un rayon de 250 kilomètres autour de Manado.


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Manado, Indonésie

En un coup d'oeil !

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Localisation Manado - Indonésie
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